Design de Protesto, Bauhaus, Minimalismo, Ateliê PopularResumo
In 1919 in Germany, the Bauhaus was created, a design school founded by the architect Walter Gropius. The School with its functionalist and minimalist ideas significantly influenced the art world in the 20th century. Based on the binomial “form and function”, the Bauhaus determined a peculiar and widely used form of aesthetic language. The aim of this work will be to show the influences of the design school in the posters and leaflets used in the protests that swept France in May 1968. The popular studio, as the poster factory based at the School of Fine Arts in Paris became known, using characteristics common to the Bauhaus, intuitively produced functional and pragmatic minimalist Protest Design pieces. The term pragmatic minimalism refers to a type of minimalism that escapes from visual engineering, a minimalism that relies on minimal information so as not to have any interference in the message being conveyed during demonstrations, this idea being one of the main concepts of Protest design, generating functionality above aesthetics.
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