
  • Guilherme Velinças Chalhoub e Silva
  • Murilo Henrique Tank Fortunato Pecege


análise de sentimentos, consumidores, linguagem, tweets.


Whether in vídeo, photographs or even in text format there is no way to deny the growth and importance that social networks have obtaining over the years. More and more people are using this environment to communicate, share experiences and present opinions on the most varied topics. In this context, companies began to take advantage of them in order to further strengthen relationships with customers and, at the same time, collect valuable information for the business, such as what to improve in a product or service and collect data about happenings around the world in real time. Twitter is one of those social networks where users express opinions succinctly. One way to transform texts into relevant information for organizations is through sentiment analysis, where it is evaluated whether what they are writing about a particular subject is positive or negative. In this sense, the present work analyzed the sentiment of tweets regarding Black Friday in Brazil in 2022, whose objective was to verify the polarity of comments on the social network. For this, it was necessary collecting several tweets about the subject, apply Natural Language Processing techniques, train and validate the machine learning model until, in the end, it was possible to perform the analyzes. It was concluded that, although the results obtained are not absolute truths due to some factors, consumers mostly wrote negative comments about Black Friday in Brazil in 2022.


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