
  • William de Assis Silva FCE/UniCV


Prática pedagógica, Aprendizagem Significativa, Educação Especial


Pedagogical practice supported by good teaching methodologies and that guarantee rich and truly meaningful learning are key to the success of Education. Contextualizing what is intended to be transmitted as content to the student is essential to ensure that what is being taught is, in fact, being learned, both in the classes of ordinary regular education and also in the multifunctional resource rooms where the AEE occurs. Therefore, we talk about inclusive pedagogical practices, which are those that seek to meet the educational needs of all students, regardless of their individual characteristics, ensuring equality in relation to the BNCC and equity in relation to the curriculum, and promoting the full and effective participation of each student. These practices are fundamental to build quality education and provide meaningful learning to students targeted by Special Education, for example. The literature brings approaches and strategies to carry out curricular adaptations, which are the adjustments made in the content, methodology, evaluation and resources used, in order to meet the specific needs of students with learning difficulties or other special educational needs. Finally, it is realized that pedagogical practice and meaningful learning go together, demystifying teaching for teaching and learning for learning, showing the real intention of working on certain contents and their applicability. In other words, they work exclusively with the aim of bringing more sense to the teaching-learning process, to the teaching work and to the construction of a greater solidity in Education.


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